Original Court Documents: US v. Reality Leigh Winner

Court: Southern District of Georgia Docket #: 1:17-cr-00034 PACER case #72035 Assigned to: Chief Judge J. Randal Hall Referred to: Magistrate Judge Brian K. Epps

Highlighted as most likely to be of interest

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Order311 Plea Change
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#132 10/26/17 – Defense brief on the elements of the offense under the Espionage Act and the Government’s withholding of discovery evidence.


#128 10/19/17 – Appeal to release Reality Winner from pre-trial no-bail confinement.


NSA Document that Reality Winner is charged with providing to the Intercept, published on 6/5/17. As it is still restricted “top secret,” it is not a publicly available court documents. It may be restricted exhibit #107.


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